Lenten Calendar for the Sanctuary

**Banner-size Lenten Calendar for sanctuary requires heavy fabric strip 18" wide and 12 feet long, 20" length of ½" dowel, 24" heavy cord for hanger,  larger pieces of felt (patterns enlarged by 300%), bright gold felt to outline dove, 21 inches of ½" jute cord for money bag, and additional felt: white for shell, tan for hands, and gray for nail. Crown of thorns requires either an 8" grapevine wreath or dark red felt.  If a seashell (6" across) is desired instead of a felt symbol, it should be drilled with inconspicuous holes and secured tightly to the banner. 

**Large Banner:  Stitch a 1 ½" deep rod pocket across the top edge of calendar to slip ½"  dowel through.  Score dowel with shears, ½" from each end to prevent hanger cord  slipping

**Bright gold dove outline is made by placing a larger gold dove behind a white dove. Enlarge dove pattern 3 1/4 to 3 ½ times for gold dove.  Glue doves together


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